

On Monday, June 10, 2024, a presentation of student projects was held in the premises of the Electrical Engineering Faculty of the University of East Sarajevo, as part of the Erasmus+ COWEB project. The creation and presentation of project tasks represented the realization of local VCL (Virtual Collaborative Learning) at the University of East Sarajevo, which is one of the partners of the COWEB project.

Students and academic staff of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering from East Sarajevo and the Faculty of Economics from Brčko took part in the development of project tasks. The role of the students was to, with mutual cooperation and communication through online platforms, and in coordination with the professors of both faculties, implement the set project task. The tasks are designed to include a cross-section of both fields, economics and electrical engineering, and require the continuous work of students from both faculties.

The final step of the local implementation of VCL was the presentation of completed projects, which was held in the presence of professors from the Faculty of Economics from Brčko (Prof. Srđan Lalić, Ph.D., Ljiljana Tanasić, Ph.D. and Dejan Tešić, Ph.D.) and the Electrical Engineering Faculty from East Sarajevo (Prof. .Dr. Nikola Davidović, assistant engineer, Jelena Govedarica. Each of the four groups, composed of five students each, presented and presented their final solution and the steps that led to it. To the satisfaction of all project participants, it was concluded that the implementation of the local VCL was successfully completed.

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