Study program - Automation and Electronics

Register of study programs

Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automation and Electronics
Curriculum for the 1st cycle study AiE DOWNLOAD
Name of the study program Automation and electronics
The number of the permit for the execution of the study program 07.2-9485/07
Date of permission to carry out the study program 25.12.2007.
Number of certificate of initial accreditation of the study program 01.1-4371/07
Date of certificate of initial accreditation of the study program 28.06.2007.
Academic title and professional (scientific) title that is acquired upon completion of the study program Graduated automation and electronics engineer
Duration of the semester study program 8
The total number of ECTS points to be obtained at the end of the study program 240
Requirement for study program enrollment Finished four-year high school and passed the entrance exam
Is student internship planned? Yes
Duration of student practice 60 hours

Objectives of the study program

In addition to the general goals of the Automation and Electronics study program, there are also special ones:

  • acquisition of knowledge and skills in general professional subjects in the field of electrical engineering, natural sciences, social sciences, foreign languages ​​and general and practically applicable knowledge in the field of computer technology and informatics. This knowledge is acquired through common program contents
  • that through the narrow professional part of the studies, students acquire knowledge and skills in the field of automatic control theory, process identification and simulation methods, automatic control system design, use of appropriate software packages
  • to train and practically improve in the application of microprocessors, programmable logic controllers, robots and manipulators, acquisition devices, specialized computer systems for installation, large computer systems for process management
  • to be able to design, test and apply analog and digital electronic circuits and devices
  • to become familiar with different communication protocols (TCP/IP, I2C, USB, ...) and their application

Learning outcomes

Specific outcomes of the learning process upon completion of the first cycle are:

  • acquired knowledge and skills in general professional subjects in the field of electrical engineering, natural sciences, social sciences, foreign languages ​​and general and practically applicable knowledge in the field of computer technology and informatics.
  • knowledge, understanding and ability to design and install control systems in:
    • industry: energy, mining, petrochemical, chemical industry,...
    • traffic: automatic management of road, rail and air traffic
    • application of robots: industrial robots, robots in dangerous environments
    • automation in service activities: city administration, banks,...
  • ability to use specialized programming languages ​​to describe hardware and systems
  • ability to use software tools for analysis of electronic circuits (SPICE), project management (MSProject), module design (Protel, OrCad)
  • to accept, apply and improve different solutions and achievements from all over the world

Academic title

Graduated in Electrical Engineering
Department of Automatics and Electronics


Faculty of Electrical Engineering


PRПР – lecture, V – exercises, ECTS – number of credits


П Р Е Д М Е Т С е м е с т а р R.
П Р Е Д М Е Т С е м е с т а р
Електромагнетика - 2 2 2 5,0 1. Дигитални системи управљања 3 3 7,0
2. Импулсна електроника 2 2 5,0 2. Дигитална елктроника 2 3 6,0
3. Теорија аутоматског управљања - 1 2 2 5,0 3. Теорија аутоматског управљања - 2 2 2 5,0
4. Енергетска електроника 1 2 3 6,0 4. Пројекат - 1 0 2 2,0
5. Транспортни процес 2 2 4,5 5. Изборни предмет АЕ - 3.1 2 2 5,0
6. Физика материјала 2 2 4,5 6. Изборни предмет АЕ - 3.2 2 2 5,0
  У К У П Н О 13 12 30   У К У П Н О 11 14 30
Седмично оптерећење - укупно ЕЦТС 25 30 Седмично оптерећење - укупно ЕЦТС 25 30


П Р Е Д М Е Т С е м е с т а р Р.
П Р Е Д М Е Т С е м е с т а р
1. Основи телекомуникација 2 2 5,0 1. Пројектовање система аутоматском упр. 2 3 6,0
2. Теорија оптималних рјешења 2 2 5,0 2. Рачунарско управљање процесима 2 3 6,0
3. Микропроцесорски системи 2 2 5,0 3. Пројектовање - 2 0 2 2,0
4. Моделирање и сумулација процеса 2 3 6,0 4. Изборни предмет АЕ - 4.2 2 2 5,0
5. Практичан рад - феријална пракса 0 4 4,0 5. Изборни предмет АЕ - 4.3 2 2 5,0
6. Изборни предмет АЕ - 4.1 2 2 5,0 6. Завршни самостални рад 0 5 6,0
  У К У П Н О 10 15 30   У К У П Н О 8 17 30
Седмично оптерећење - укупно ЕЦТС 25 30 Седмично оптерећење - укупно ЕЦТС 25 30


Електротехнички факултет


ПР – предавања, В – вјежбе, ЕЦТС – број кредита

1. Листа изборних предмета

ПРЕДМЕТИ АЕ - 3.1,  АЕ - 3.2
бирају се из сљедеће групе предмдета:
С е м е с т а р Р.
ПРЕДМЕТИ АЕ - 4.1,  АЕ - 4.2, АЕ - 4.3
бирају се из сљедеће групе предмдета:
С е м е с т а р
1. Енергетска електроника 2 2 2 5,0 1. Пренос и аквизиција подака 2 2 5,0
2. Електронска мјерења 2 2 5,0 2. Менаџмент у инжењерској пракси 2 2 5,0
3. Увод у нанотехнике и нанотехнологије 2 2 5,0 3. Специјални сензори и индустријска мјерења 2 2 5,0
4. Дигитална обрада сигнала 2 2 5,0 4. Идентификација процеса 2 2 5,0
5. Анализа сигнала и система 2 2 5,0 5. Микропроцесорксо управљање електромоторним погонима 2 2 5,0
6. Електричне машине и постројења 2 2 5,0 6. Један од предмета IV године студија, одоговарајући семестар, а других одсјека 2 2 5,0
  1. Practical work - summer internship
    Summer internship is carried out during the summer vacation after the IV semester. The duration of the summer internship is 60 working hours, i.e. 8 working days. The results of practical work are described in the "Diary of practical work".

  2. Independent creation of projects The
    Student is obliged to do two independent projects: Project - 1 from one of the subjects from the 3rd year of study, Project - 2 from one of the subjects from the 4th year of study. Through the elaboration of the program content, the number of subjects in which the project is foreseen can be reduced.

  3. Analysis of the curriculum after 4 years of study (Bachelor Science Degree, BSc Degree)
    All departments have the first 4 semesters, the first and second year of study in common.
    Number of exams: 44+4 (Project - 1,2, Practical work-holiday internship, Final independent work)
    Number of ECTS credits: 240
    Number of independent projects: 2 (without "Practical work diary" and "Final independent work"
    Number of electives subjects: 5 from the group of 10+2 subjects (2 subjects can be chosen from other departments)
    Total workload: 3120 hours, of which: through lectures 1395 (44.7%), through exercises and other 1725 (55.3%) Total workload: 3120 hours, of which: through lectures 1395 (44.7%), through exercises and other 1725 (55.3%)