What to say about student life at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering?!
When we finish high school, we find ourselves at a crossroads! Which path to choose, which path should we learn to walk, will that choice make us happy, will the chosen path completely fulfill our personality and our expectations from life?! These are many questions that are running through our heads. Making a decision is not easy!
When we have already decided on a profession, all that remains is to start walking along the path we have chosen, hoping that we will fully develop into a healthy academic personality along the way.
We enter the building of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering for the first time to present our certificates, and then we are caught by a small blink. What is that? Maybe the fear that we didn't make a good decision or that we won't be able to affirm our personality there in the way we always wanted. It's the day of the entrance exam in mathematics, and there are so many thoughts, so much knowledge or ignorance in the head of a future freshman. This is the first knowledge test on ETF, and there will be many more. We are learning how to approach our responsibilities at this faculty. It should be done as well as possible and in that way find your place in the world of electrical engineering because we all belong somewhere, by personality, by knowledge, we all have our own place in society, that is the reality.
Don't think that a student's life is only about studying, it's much more than that, it's also socializing! At the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, we also have student organizations that complete the social life of students. We learn how to organize ourselves, how to help each other, learn from each other and make lifelong friends. We are all united by one institution, one profession. Finally, we got the index, we only officially became students of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering. Next come the freshman evenings organized by student organizations, where we get to know our colleagues. Every student, as a member of ETF, has the opportunity to become a member of one of the student organizations. At our faculty, there are two student organizations that deal with student issues, namely Stelex and Eestec.
In the premises of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering there is also a local Cisco Academy lasting four semesters. It is a course that trains students in the field of network and networking and prepares them to possess qualifications to work on modern CISCO equipment. ETF students have certain discounts when paying for the semester. Hard-working students have the opportunity to affirm their abilities by writing papers that they present at the Infotech Jahorina Symposium every year. Then they can meet many successful people from the field of science and form a model of a successful academic citizen for themselves. Every year after the end of the exam period, they organize a student party outdoors in front of the student dormitory located in Čiča, not far from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering.
Elektrijada, which if you are an ETF student, do not miss! ETF students in East Sarajevo won numerous sports and knowledge awards at ELECTRIJADE held in Teslić, Kopaonik, Čanj, Budva, Ohrid...
Join us and live the life of a student at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, it's not bad!