About the faculty


  • Органи факултета су:

    • Декан
    • Научно-наставно вијеће

    Састав Научно-наставног вијећа дефинисан је Статутом Универзитета, а тренутно су чланови Научно-наставног вијећа Електротехничког факултета: 20 професора, 7 виших асистената, 6 асистената и 6 студената и то 5 студената са првог циклуса студија и 1 студент са другог циклуса студија.
    Надлежности Научно-наставног вијећа и Декана факултета дефинисане су Статутом Универзитета.

    ЕТФ тренутно има два продекана:

    • Продекана за наставу
    • Продекана за науку и предузетништво

    Правилником о унутрашњој организацији и систематизацији радних мјеста на Универзитету утврђују се број и надлежности продекана.

    Наставна дјелатност на факултету одвија се кроз заједнички студијски програм (прва и друга година студија) и три усмјерена студијска програма:

    • Одсјек за електроенергетику,
    • Одсјек за аутоматику и електронику,
    • Одсјек за рачунарство и информатику.

    Опредјељење за завршни студијски програм врши се приликом уписа на факултет.

    На нивоу ЕТФ-а постоје сљедеће стручне службе:

    • деканат
    • библиотека
    • студентска служба
    • рачуноводство

    Надлежности стручних служби наведене су у Правилнику о унутрашњој организацији и систематизацији радних мјеста, којим се утврђује унутрашња организација рада Универзитета, систематизација радних мјеста са описом послова који се обављају, посебним условима које запослени треба да испуњавају за обављање послова на радном мјесту, те бројем извршилаца, као и друга питања од значаја за рад и функционисање Универзитета.

    Права и обавезе студената регулисана су Статутом Универзитета. Студенти који су примљени и уписани на Универзитет улазе у уговорни однос са Универзитетом. Уговором се утврђују права, обавезе и одговорности студената, услови студирања, права и обавезе Универзитета и организационих јединица према студентима.

    Студентско представничко тијело Електротехничког факултета Универзитета у Источном Сарајеву чине студенти чланови Вијећа факултета, као и студенти чланови Савеза студената Електротехничког факултета у Источном Сарајеву – "Стелекс". Чланови Вијећа факултета су студенти изабрани на студентским изборима на мандатни период од годину дана. Члан „Стелекса“ може бити сваки студент Електротехничког факултета. Начин рада „Стелекса“ утврђују студенти Факултета Статутом „Стелекса“, након претходно прибављене сагласности Сената Универзитета. Студенти преко изабраних представника ове организације остварују комуникацију са руководством Факултета, али и надлежнима за студентска питања на нивоу Универзитета и на тај начин се боре за остваривање својих права.

  • Impoetant dates
    20.05.1949. The Government of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina passes Decree No. 675 on the establishment of the Technical Faculty in Sarajevo. Then two departments were founded: construction and architecture. Article 4 of this Regulation authorizes the Committee for Faculties, Colleges and Scientific Institutions to establish other departments of the Technical Faculty by its decision, with the consent of the Prime Minister.
    1954. – 1960. The Union of Mechanical and Electrical Engineers and Technicians of Bosnia and Herzegovina has repeatedly raised the issue of opening electrical engineering studies in Sarajevo.
    11.06.1960. Workers council „Energoinvest“ The Workers' Council of "Energoinvest" Sarajevo proposes to the Executive Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina the establishment of an electrical engineering department at the Technical Faculty in Sarajevo.
    05.05.1961. The Council of the University of Sarajevo, with its document number 03-682/61, proposed to the Faculty of Engineering to form a Commission of Registrars for the Electrical Engineering Department of the Faculty of Engineering.
    11.05.1961. The Council of the Technical Faculty in Sarajevo makes a decision on the formation of the Registrar's Commission for the Electrical Engineering Department.
    The registrar commission had the following composition: 
    1. PhD  Mirjan Gruden, dean of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering from Ljubljana,
    2. eng.  Emerick Blum, CEO of the company „Energoinvest“,
    3. eng.  Nikola Sedlar, Professor Technical Faculty,
    4. eng.  Relja Vasiljević, Assoc. prof. Technical Faculty,
    5. eng.  Avdo Đumrukčić, chief director of the Community of Electrical Enterprises of SR BiH
    eng. Teodor Gregorić, Assoc. prof. Technical Faculty.
    The committee prepares the statutory decision, curriculum, provides premises and sources of financial resources. The following were elected: 4 full-time and 3 part-time professors, 5 senior lecturers, 7 associate professors, 20 lecturers and 21 assistants.
    05.06.1961. The Faculty Council of the Faculty of Engineering makes a Statutory Decision on degrees and the curriculum of regular classes at the Electrical Engineering Department.
    17.07.1961. The Executive Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina confirms the Statutory Decision (Act No. 6231/61) which resolved the conduct of regular classes for students who enroll in their first year in the 1961/62 school year.
    30.09.1961. The Faculty of Engineering in Sarajevo ceases to exist, and its four departments grow into four independent faculties: Civil Engineering, Architectural and Urban Planning, Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering.
    01.10.1961. Regular classes at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Sarajevo begin at the same time in the first and second year! The first year is attended by newly enrolled students, while the second year students were students who completed their first year at the mechanical engineering department of the Technical Faculty and at other electrical engineering faculties in the country. The total number of students in both years was 304.
    31.05.1962. The registrar's commission ceases its work.
    14.06.1962. The first formal session of the faculty administration
    27.06.1962. The first departments and chairs were formed.
    1963. The following are formed: Laboratory of the Department of Basic Electrical Engineering and Electrical Measurements, Laboratory for Electrical Machines.
    21.06.1963. The third statutory decision foresees the teaching of the third degree and prescribes the procedure for obtaining a doctorate in science.
    13.07.1965. The Program for the construction of the building of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Sarajevo was adopted.
    1970/71. The reformed three-month four-year course was introduced. (Statute from March 1971).
    04.09.1973. The Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina confirmed the ETF Statute from 1971.
    13.07.1972. The ETF Council makes a decision on the establishment of a department in Tuzla.
    1972. The Department of Informatics was founded.
    1975. The faculty moved to a new building in Lukavica, East Sarajevo
    1976. The Department for Telecommunications was established.
    1986/87. Returning to semester classes  from the first year of study for a duration of 9 semesters plus a semester for the preparation of a diploma thesis.
    29.12.1993. By the decision of the National Assembly of the Republic of Srpska, number: 02-1512/92, the University of Sarajevo of the Republic of Srpska was established, as the successor of the University of Sarajevo.
    After 1993. Two faculties inherit the tradition of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Sarajevo from the period 1961 - – 1992:
    • Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Sarajevo, Republika Srpska, later University of Serbian Sarajevo, today University of East Sarajevo and     
    • Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Sarajevo.   
    2004. School year 2004/2005. the New Curriculum begins to be implemented, in accordance with the Bologna Declaration.
    2007. In order to comply with the Law on Higher Education, in 2007 the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, as a legal entity, was deleted from the court register and continued to function as an organizational unit of the University of East Sarajevo.
    2009. With the work permit number 07.023-3899/09 (attachment), issued by the Ministry of Education and Culture, on June 22, 2009, the University of East Sarajevo was given, among other approvals, approval to conduct classes in the study programs of Electrical Engineering, Automation and electronics and computing and informatics.
    The permit for conducting classes in the second cycle of studies (attachment) was obtained by ETF on 15 December 2009 (Permit to work issued by the Ministry of Education and Culture, number 07.023/602-8345/09), for the study programs Electrical Power, Automation and Electronics and Computer technology and informatics.


    Professor Veljko Vuletić

    Professor Božidar Krstajić

    Professor Zoran Ljuboje



    Profesor Relja Vasiljević

    Associate Professor Ahmet Mandžić

    Professor Dane Maljković

    Associate Professor Dragoljub Milatović

    Professor Branko Knežević
    Dean RO ETF Sarajevo

    Professor Ejup Hot
    Dean OOUR ETF Sarajevo

    Professor Svetozar Zimonjič

    Assistant professor Zoran Salčić

    Associate Professor Salih Sadović

    Associate Professor Zoran Anđelić