Faculty of Electrical Engineering
University of East Sarajevo
Faculty of Electrical Engineering
University of East Sarajevo
Vice-dean for teaching and student affairs Srđan Lale, Assistant Professor Email: srdjan.lale@etf.ues.rs.ba
Vice-dean for science, research and entrepreneurship Mladen Banjanin, Assistant Professor Email: mladen.banjanin@etf.ues.rs.ba
Faculty secretary Sanja Barović B.Sc. legal e-mail: sanja.barovic@etf.ues.rs.ba
Head of the office Rada Šućur e-mail: rada.sucur@etf.ues.rs.ba
Professional associate for student affairs of the first and second cycle of studies Ljubica Radović e-mail: ljubica.radovic@etf.ues.rs.ba
Head of the office Radmila Kovačević, B.Sc.ecc. e-mail: radmila.kovacevic@etf.ues.rs.ba