Teaching activities at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in East Sarajevo are organized in three study cycles. Cycles are carried out through study programs.
The study of the first cycle prepares students for a higher degree of study and enables them to acquire general and specific knowledge needed for employment in certain professional jobs. Upon completion of the first cycle of studies, the academic title of Bachelor of Electrical Engineering is obtained, which is translated into English as Bachelor of Science (B Sc), with an indication of the study program. Along with the diploma of the first cycle of studies, a diploma supplement is also issued for a more detailed insight into the level, nature, content, system and rules of study and the results achieved during studies. The educational degree of the first cycle in all study programs lasts four study years, i.e. eight semesters, which corresponds to 240 ECTS points.
The first study cycle takes place through a joint study program and three focused study programs:
The Faculty of Electrical Engineering also has a license to conduct the teaching program at the Department of Telecommunications, but currently does not enroll students in this study program.
The decision for the final study program is made when enrolling at the faculty.
The general objectives of the first cycle of studies at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in East Sarajevo are:
General outcome of the learning process at the end of the first cycle:
The joint study program covers the first two years of study, i.e. four semesters, and is attended by all students, regardless of the chosen final study program. All courses in the joint study program are compulsory. Here, students acquire the general knowledge necessary to continue their studies in focused programs.
The directed study program at each of the three departments includes two final years of study. Students acquire knowledge specific to the department they have chosen. A number of subjects are compulsory, while the rest are optional and are chosen by students based on their interests and affinities. After completing eight semesters, each student must complete and defend a final thesis. Students are able to apply the theoretical and practical knowledge acquired in targeted study programs in practice, and they also serve as a basis for continuing their studies in the second cycle of studies.
Преглед основног студија | ||||
Одсјек ЕЕ | Одсјек АЕ | Одсјек РИ | Одсјек ТК | |
Број испита | 44 + 4 = 48 | 44 + 4 = 48 | 43 + 5 = 48 | 43 + 5 = 48 |
Број ECTS | 240 | 240 | 240 | 240 |
Број изборних предмета | 5 od 12 | 5 od 12 | 5 od 11 | 5 od 10 |
Часова наставе, укупно | 3120 | 3120 | 3120 | 3120 |
Часова предавања | 1425 (45,7%) | 1395 (44,7%) | 1365 (43.7%) | 1380 (44.2%) |
Часова вјежби | 1695 (54,3%) | 1725 (55,3%) | 1755 (56,3%) | 1740 (55.8%) |
Број самосталних пројеката | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 |
Феријална пракса | 60 сати | 60 сати | 60 сати | 60 сати |
Одсјек ЕЕ | Одсјек АЕ | Одсјек РИ | Одсјек ТК | |
Број испита | 53 + 7 = 60 | 53 + 7 = 60 | 52 + 8 = 60 | 52 + 8 = 60 |
Број ECTS | 300 | 300 | 300 | 300 |
Број изборних предмета | 11 od 26 | 11 od 24 | 11 od 23 | 11 od 24 |
Број часова насаве, укупно | 3870 | 3870 | 3870 | 3870 |
Часова предавања | 1725 (44,6%) | 1695 (43,8%) | 1665 (43.0%) | 1680 (43.4%) |
Часова вјежби | 2145 (55,4%) | 2175 (56,2%) | 2205 (57,0%) | 2190 (56.6%) |
Број самосталних пројеката | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 |
Феријална пракса | 60 сати | 60 сати | 60 сати | 60 сати |
Основни параметри наставног плана | |
Трајање основних студија | 4 године или 8 семестара |
Трајање мастер студија | 1 година или 2 семестра |
Трајање докторског студија | 3 године или 6 семестара |
Трајање заједничког дијела студија | 2 године или 4 семестра |
ТРАЈАЊЕ СЕМЕСТРА (Диреекттна настава) | 15 седмица |
Број предмета по семестру | 5 или 6 |
БРОЈ ЧАСОВА НАСТАВЕ ПО ПРЕДМЕТУ | Минимално 2, максимално 6 |
ОБИМ ПРЕДМЕТА | Сви предмети су једносеместрални |
Семестар | Семестар | ||||||||
I | II | III | IV | V | VI | VII | VIII | IX | X |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 3 |
5 | 6 |